Mar - Men

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - The Eternal World Picture 1, 1963

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - The Eternal World Picture 2, 1964

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - The Eternal World Picture 3, 1968

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - The Eternal World Picture 4, 1994

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - Livets Bog (The Book of Life) 1, 1932

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - Livets Bog (The Book of Life) 2, 1939

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - Livets Bog (The Book of Life) 4, 1944

Martinus (Martinus Thomsen) - Logic, 1938

Meek, George W. - After We Die, What Then?, 1980

Meek, George W. - The Magic of Living Forever, 1982

Meier, Eduard - Message from the Pleiades, 1988

Menger, Howard - From Outer Space to You, 1959